Dear Friends,
The following information receive from Mr.K.S.N.Murthy, Vice-President,NFGIE, Representing from Srikakulam DO of New India under Vizag RO:620000. The details are as under:
Appeal No.CIC/DS/A/2012/002027
Appellant/Complainant :: Shri K.S.N.Murthy,(A.P.)
Public Authority :: New India Assurance Co.Ltd., Mumbai.
Date of Hearing :: 08th November, 2013.
Date of Decision :: 08th November, 2013.
1. Appellant submitted RTI application dated 27 January 2012 before the CPIO, New India Assurance Company Limited, Mumbai seeking details regarding the copy of question paper and Appellant's OMR sheet in the Promotional Exercise Test held on 18-12-2011.
2. CPIO vide order dated 19 March 2012, informed the Appellant that examination was conducted by an independent examination body NIA, Pune and hence information as sought may not be provided.
3. Appellant preferred first Appeal dated 26 March 2012 to the First Appellate Authority.
4. Vie Order dated 29 September 2012, FAA directed the Chief Manager, Corp. HRM to provide complete information within 6 weeks to the Appellant.
5. Being aggrieved and not being satisfied by the above response of he public authority, the appellant preferred second appeal before the Commission.
6. Matter was heard today via video conferencing. Respondents as above were heard from Mumbai. Appellant made submission from Srikakulam. It was submitted by the CPIO, that it had been alleged that there were certain irregularities in conducting the Promotional Exercise Test held on 18 December 2011 in respect of which the appellant had sought informationand that the matter was currently before the double bench of Andhra Pradesh High Court in WP 1121/2012. It was also stated that the public sector General Insurance Companies are defemdants in this case. Further, due care had been taken to advise the holder of the information namely,the NIA, Pune not to destroy any of the documents which are sought by the appellant in his RTI application. Commission was also informed that recently NIA, Pune had declared itself to be a public authority.
Decision Notice
We have heard the parties. Commission reserves judgement in this matter up to thefinal disposal of the aforementioned Writ Petition by the Court. Subsequently the CPIO will dispose of the matter in the light of the judgement given in this case.
Sd/- xx xx xx xx xx,
( Smt. Deepak Sandhu )
Chief Information Commissioner
Authenticated True Copy:
Sd/- xx xx xx xx xx,
(T. K. Mohapatra)
Dy. Secretary & Dy. Registrar
Copy to:-
1. Shri K.S.N. Murthy (AO)
New India Assurance Company Limited,
Opp.Surya Mahal, G.T.Road,
SRIKAKULAM - 532001(Andhra Pradesh)
2. Central Public Information Officer,
Chief Manager,
The New India Assurance Company Ltd.,
Head Office: New India Assurance Building,
87, M.G.Road, Fort,
Mumbai - 400 001 (Maharashtra)
3. First Appellate Authority,
Deputy General Manager,
The New India Assurance Building,
87, M.G.Road, Fort,
Mumbai - 400001 ( Maharashtra)
...... EDITOR
The following information receive from Mr.K.S.N.Murthy, Vice-President,NFGIE, Representing from Srikakulam DO of New India under Vizag RO:620000. The details are as under:
Appeal No.CIC/DS/A/2012/002027
Appellant/Complainant :: Shri K.S.N.Murthy,(A.P.)
Public Authority :: New India Assurance Co.Ltd., Mumbai.
Date of Hearing :: 08th November, 2013.
Date of Decision :: 08th November, 2013.
1. Appellant submitted RTI application dated 27 January 2012 before the CPIO, New India Assurance Company Limited, Mumbai seeking details regarding the copy of question paper and Appellant's OMR sheet in the Promotional Exercise Test held on 18-12-2011.
2. CPIO vide order dated 19 March 2012, informed the Appellant that examination was conducted by an independent examination body NIA, Pune and hence information as sought may not be provided.
3. Appellant preferred first Appeal dated 26 March 2012 to the First Appellate Authority.
4. Vie Order dated 29 September 2012, FAA directed the Chief Manager, Corp. HRM to provide complete information within 6 weeks to the Appellant.
5. Being aggrieved and not being satisfied by the above response of he public authority, the appellant preferred second appeal before the Commission.
6. Matter was heard today via video conferencing. Respondents as above were heard from Mumbai. Appellant made submission from Srikakulam. It was submitted by the CPIO, that it had been alleged that there were certain irregularities in conducting the Promotional Exercise Test held on 18 December 2011 in respect of which the appellant had sought informationand that the matter was currently before the double bench of Andhra Pradesh High Court in WP 1121/2012. It was also stated that the public sector General Insurance Companies are defemdants in this case. Further, due care had been taken to advise the holder of the information namely,the NIA, Pune not to destroy any of the documents which are sought by the appellant in his RTI application. Commission was also informed that recently NIA, Pune had declared itself to be a public authority.
Decision Notice
We have heard the parties. Commission reserves judgement in this matter up to thefinal disposal of the aforementioned Writ Petition by the Court. Subsequently the CPIO will dispose of the matter in the light of the judgement given in this case.
Sd/- xx xx xx xx xx,
( Smt. Deepak Sandhu )
Chief Information Commissioner
Authenticated True Copy:
Sd/- xx xx xx xx xx,
(T. K. Mohapatra)
Dy. Secretary & Dy. Registrar
Copy to:-
1. Shri K.S.N. Murthy (AO)
New India Assurance Company Limited,
Opp.Surya Mahal, G.T.Road,
SRIKAKULAM - 532001(Andhra Pradesh)
2. Central Public Information Officer,
Chief Manager,
The New India Assurance Company Ltd.,
Head Office: New India Assurance Building,
87, M.G.Road, Fort,
Mumbai - 400 001 (Maharashtra)
3. First Appellate Authority,
Deputy General Manager,
The New India Assurance Building,
87, M.G.Road, Fort,
Mumbai - 400001 ( Maharashtra)
...... EDITOR
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