August 20, 2013.
The Chairman-cum-Managing Director,
The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.,
87, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort,
Mumbai -
Dear Sir,
Re: Representation against Promotion Transfers/TMP
We like to bring under your kind
attention about the letter, ref. CORP:HRM:CL-I CELL:PE:2013 dated 14th
August, 2013 addressed to all Regional In-charges by Mr. D R Waghela, Dy.
General Manager with regard to the above.
While we admit posting of
officers and employees are the prerogative of the Management at the same time
an officer/employee has got equal right to represent/appeal before his
superiors regarding any hardship he may face due to the proposed
transfer/posting. It is more deplorable
that even it is threatened that if any officer/employee make any such
representation, the same would be viewed very seriously and recorded in the
Confidential Report of such officers/employees.
We feel such sort of Circular has
never been issued in New India’s record and reminiscent the emergency period of
We urge upon you to intervene
into the matter and advise Mr. Waghela to withdraw the Circular and if
feasible, to consider the appeal of the deserving employees/officers for the
interest of the staff members and the company as well.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/-xx xx xx xx,
Copy to: Mr.P.Nayak,
GM (HRM)……for information and to take necessary action please
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