"" Listing of state general insurers may be staggered.""...""" New India Assurance launches “New India Premier Mediclaim Policy” with exclusive features and Sum Insured upto Rs. 1 crore""".... “The tentative decrease in D.A. Slabs is 9 for the months from February,2017 to April,2017 - The net number of slabs for Feb.,2017 stands at 469"".."" ALL MEMBERS OF NFGIE/GICEU: PL ENSURE PAYING LEVY ON WAGE REVISION IMMEDIATELY ON RECEIPT OF ARREARS TO THE RESPECTIVE STATE /REGIONAL UNITS TO STRENGTHEN FINANCIAL POSITION OF NFGIE AS WELL AS STATE UNITS OF GICEU""....."" WAGE ARREARS WILL BE PAID ON 05th FEB.,2016""...."" WAGE REVISION FILE WAS CLEARED BY FINANCE MINISTRY ON THURSDAY 14TH JAN.,2016 ONLY. EXPECTING NOTIFICATION AT ANY TIME. HOWEVER, ON TUESDAY 19TH JAN.2016 GIPSA GOVERNING BODY MEETING HELD AT 'GOA'. PAYMENT DATE MAY BE DECIDED BY GIPSA AUTHORITY.""..."" NEXT ROUND OF DISCUSSIONS WITH GIPSA ON 04TH, 5TH & 6TH nOV., 2015 AT HOTEL GOLCONDA,HYDERABAD- NFGIE SLOT FOR DISCUSSIONS ON WAGE REVISION WITH GIPSA AT 2 PM ON 04.11.2015""...""Received a call from Mr A K Singhal, Advisor, GIPSA to our National Federation General Secretary, Mr P S Bajpai regarding the next round of Wage Talks on 29th October 2015 (Thursday) at Mumbai. Detailed Circular follows.""..."" We have been informed by Mr. Vasant Khande,Mumbai that Mr. Ashish Shelar,MLA and BJP President of Mumbai is going to attend our NFGIE conference on 1st October,2015 in Chennai""...""Wage revision and Pension Option – Programme of Agitation::: 1. Lunch Hour demonstrations in all centres on 15th and 23rd September.2. Signature campaign (memorandum addressed to Finance Minister) to complete by 23rdSeptember.;3. No late sitting in offices and no work on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays w.e.f. 23rd September, 2015;4. Joint Employees meetings in all offices to campaign;5. Perspective of strike actions in October ""......"23RD JULY IS NEW INDIA'S FOUNDATION DAY(23RD JULY, 1919). ON THIS HAPPY OCCASSION, LET ALL NEW INDIANS TO RE-DEDICATE THEMSELVES ONCE AGAIN TO BRING BACK IT'S GLORY AND TO RETAIN NO.1 POSITION WITH PROFITS

""NEW INDIA ASSURANCE BEATS COMPETITION, GETS $9.5 BILLION AIR INDIA DEAL. One of India’s biggest public sector general insurer, New India Assurance (NIA) led consortium of public sector insurance companies has been awarded the contract to insure Air India’s huge fleet of 126 aircrafts worth 9.5 billion dollars. The consortium outbid the tender submitted by private general insurance companies, for this contract floated by Air India. NIA will insure Air India for 9.5 billion insurance cover for a premium of $22.5 million, which would be a one of the biggest aircraft insurance deals in the whole of Southeast Asia. PSU insurers continue to insure Air India for 4th year in a row"".....""Thank u all for staging a successful DHARNA today (06.7.2015) all over India as part of JFTU programme. At Mumbai we met Chairman GIPSA who informed that ministry is insisting on wage settlement on bank line only. Still they are pursuing with the ministry for getting sanction for a better package for PSGI Companies citing various factors. Due to this GIPSA is delaying resumption of wage negotiation. More stringent TU action is needed by JFTU against Ministry of Finance stand. JFTU will decide its further programme....Than 'Q'...Sujit Bagchi,General Secretary, "NFGIE""...""



Tuesday, June 21, 2011



At last the Management has declared a meagre number of  5 vaancies for Hyderabad Region and 3 Vacancies for Vizag Region for the pomoional exercise of 2011 for the post of ASSISTANT.  As a responsible trade union and in the larger interest of the aspirants, the GICEU-AP has immediately reacted on this matter and demanded the Management for declaraion of  more number of vacancies.   Expressed the anguish of the aspirants about the declaraion of  meagre number of vacancies. Also explained about the necisisty and requirement of the Assistants (entry cadre) in the day to day operations at every operating office level to meet the customer requirements / demands which is oder of the day in the new environment. 

Also demanded for a fresh recruitment on All India basis in all the entry cadres including marketing, as the most of the employees (nearly 50% to 60%), irrespecive of cadre and strength /rank and file, are laying down the Office between 2012 - 2014, due to reaching superannuation. It is the high time for the Management to have a immediate meaningful discussions with the Check-off qualified Unions on various matters, who are playing a vital role in shouldering every responsibility in  keeping up the promises given to all it's clientele (big or small), on whom we are all depended upon (right from PTS to CMD).

More over, it is the high time for the Boards of the GIPSA memeber Company's are required to concentrate on recruting the people in all entry cadresincluding the marketing personnel and agency force for rebuilding  the past glory of PSUs AND meeting new challenges before of all of us in this competeitive world.  Lest, day is not far of to loose the PSUs share drastically in the market. 

Let us hope and believe that the Management would definitely change their attitude and approach towards their own employees, who are the internal customers and staunch supporters in all back office operations and making the PSUs towards reaching new heights and growth of the Insurance Industry.

With Warm Regards,


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